Case Study: Successful asset condition management saves valuable production hours.
Proper asset condition management including vibration analysis, outage planning and repair execution can exponentially save your company time while contributing to your bottom line. Check out this recent case study in which Hi-Speed was able to achieve outstanding results with a client’s production over the course of one calendar year using a successful asset management program.
Asset Condition Management Results
Hi-Speed began collaborating with subject customer in late 2020 doing minimal vibration reports. In January of 2021, Hi-Speed took over the majority of the vibration program reporting on 100% of customer equipment. Along with reporting equipment defects based on vibration analysis, Hi-Speed also held meetings with planners and engineers in order to plan out upcoming scheduled shutdowns to ensure optimum efficiency was maintained.
The following data shows the drastic change seen in production over the course of one calendar year using a successful asset condition management program.
The amount of work orders created based off of vibration calls alone in 2020 (prior to Hi-Speed involvement) was 131. With only 54 work order completions, this plant had a 41.22% completion rate on critical equipment repairs.
Throughout 2021 the amount of work orders created based off of vibration calls increased to 399 with an 87.21% completion rate.
Estimated saved production hours is broken down on a quarterly basis for reference for 2020 v. 2021.
- Due to the increase in production time, the customer was able to make a full step change in 1 year.
Production level percentage for 2020 was 75%.
- Production percentage was increased to 82% in 2021 becoming the best production year to date.
This customer has now increased their goal to an 85% production rate this upcoming year.
- Monthly vibration data collection paired with quick reporting times.
- Critical defects reported immediately to customer.
- Prior to customer scheduled outages, Hi-Speed Reliability Technicians met with customer engineers/planners to implement effective plans to achieve highest efficiency of repairs possible.
- Work orders were written, designated to specific groups, and executed accordingly.
- Laser Alignments
- Fan Balances
- Full Equipment Changeouts
- Bearing Changeouts
- Coast Down Analysis
- Vibration Sensor Installation
- Failure assistance to get back up and running.
- PdMA (Electric motor testing online and offline)
- Infrared Analysis
- Consulting